Installing SSH and starting the service

In order for Cyber Tec Security to access your LINUX distro we need you to be running SSH.

(You will need root access through su / sudo – you may also need to install openssh if it is not already running) 


NOTE: LINUX commands are case sensitive, so ensure you are using correct capitalization.

1. From the terminal session, type:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

2. Enable the SSH service by typing:

sudo systemctl enable ssh

3. Ensure SSH Port

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Find #PermitRootLogin prohibit-password and remove “#” {may have already been removed}
Find #port 22 and remove “#” {if you are already using SSH the # may be missing}

4. Remember to restart the service:

service ssh restart

5. Start the SSH service by typing:

sudo systemctl start ssh

6. Test it by login into the system using:

ssh user@server-n