Agent Setup for Linux

Setup of the Linux Agent

In order to complete the assessment of a Linux device, we require you to install an agent onto the device. The agent installation is a simple task but requires administrative access (sudo) to your device.

Red Hat Enterprise, CentOS, Fedora, OpenSUSE, SUSE Enterprise, Amazon, Oracle Enterprise

  1. Download the agent installer, for your particular version of LINUX, from the URL we provided to you in the CE Plus Onboarding Email.

  2. Run the following command to extract the installer (changing from ARM to x64 subject to your processor environment)
    sudo rpm -ivh ARM-CyberTecCloudAgent.rpm 
  3. You will then need to run another command to install and activate the agent on your system. This will be provided for you within the CE Plus Onboarding Email if you have LINUX listed for testing.
    sudo /usr/local...... {we will provide the command for you if required}

Debian, Ubuntu Linux

  1. Follow the process above for downloading your package file 
  2. Run the following command to extract the DEB file
    sudo dpkg --install CyberTecCloudAgent.deb 
  3. Run the installation command that we will provide within the CE Plus Onboarding Email
    sudo /usr/local..... {we will provide the command for you if required}

Checking In

The installation is silent and you will not see much happen after the agent is installed - please contact one of the assessment team once you have completed the installation and they will confirm that we are able to see all your devices checking in.


When we conclude the assessment, your assessor will select to remove you from our Qualys system. Once you are removed your installed Qualys agents will self-remove the next time they check in to the platform. This works only once, so if you have a script installing Qualys, it will reinstall and you will then have to manually remove it.

You can manually uninstall Qualys using the uninstall command from a terminal session by running the following command:


"sudo dpkg --purge qualys-cloud-agent"


"sudo rpm -e qualys-cloud-agent"